Aug 30, 2012


You're so stupid! If you'd asked me, re: hair washing, and her eyes. I always had her look up and rinsed back! As for your statements re: my upsetting Ahmi, not being supportive... You're an ignorant COW! I'd rather cut my tongue out then to ever x infinity hurt her emotionally! Unlike yourself, (and what you put her through those 2 days at Polinsky) I didn't emotionally and mentally abuse her! You did! Worthless Bitch! For you to try and blame Bill and I, instead of owning what you put her through...  I'd always freaking cooperated with you! Your comments in that email were unjustified, slanderous, and a figment of your own paranoid imagination! FYI: As much as I hate the air you breathe, I love Ahmi so much more! But, you being the judgemental c#nt that you are, put your own delusional conclusions on me! The thing is, if you'd been a decent human being and been honest with me, I'd have respected you for it. Instead, you were a disrespectful, skanky, back stabbing, liar! I trusted you and you betrayed that to the max! You can blow it all off in your typical snotty ass, know it all way. Inside I know the truth. That's what matters!   Bill is a passive- agressive narcesstic, controlling abuser. Yet, you couldn't kiss his ass enough! I wonder if I could raise the interest of Mike Turko/ news outlets re: how cps kissed up to an abusive, evil parasite! What goes around comes around. You'll get what's coming to you. My daily prayer is that Ahmi becomes a very rebellious teen! The substitutes will pay! Wait till I tell her the substitute put her own feelings above Ahmi's!  You think I was thrilled when S. popped up? No, it was nice not to have her drama around for 2 yrs. Yet, I was able to put myself in her shoes. My feelings were 3rd! That's a Mom! The substitute cow put her jealous insecurities 1st! Does she think Ahmi is the awesome child she is due to magic fairy dust?  No, regardless of the bullshit vomit that came from your mouth in court, it was because of the love and nurturing I showered on her! You didn't know her at all! Even she knew how extremely stupid your comment was re: errands. That was the #1 all time most worthless comment ever said to a traumatized child! You need child development because you have no clue! They're not little adults! They don't think like us! p.s. I knew your address 2 years ago. If you know so much and are so right about me, I'd have been at your door a longgg time ago! For a college educated, so called professional, you're pretty stupid re: life! I'm sure I'm not the 1st person you pissed off! Luckily, I fought back with words....

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