Aug 30, 2012


You're so stupid! If you'd asked me, re: hair washing, and her eyes. I always had her look up and rinsed back! As for your statements re: my upsetting Ahmi, not being supportive... You're an ignorant COW! I'd rather cut my tongue out then to ever x infinity hurt her emotionally! Unlike yourself, (and what you put her through those 2 days at Polinsky) I didn't emotionally and mentally abuse her! You did! Worthless Bitch! For you to try and blame Bill and I, instead of owning what you put her through...  I'd always freaking cooperated with you! Your comments in that email were unjustified, slanderous, and a figment of your own paranoid imagination! FYI: As much as I hate the air you breathe, I love Ahmi so much more! But, you being the judgemental c#nt that you are, put your own delusional conclusions on me! The thing is, if you'd been a decent human being and been honest with me, I'd have respected you for it. Instead, you were a disrespectful, skanky, back stabbing, liar! I trusted you and you betrayed that to the max! You can blow it all off in your typical snotty ass, know it all way. Inside I know the truth. That's what matters!   Bill is a passive- agressive narcesstic, controlling abuser. Yet, you couldn't kiss his ass enough! I wonder if I could raise the interest of Mike Turko/ news outlets re: how cps kissed up to an abusive, evil parasite! What goes around comes around. You'll get what's coming to you. My daily prayer is that Ahmi becomes a very rebellious teen! The substitutes will pay! Wait till I tell her the substitute put her own feelings above Ahmi's!  You think I was thrilled when S. popped up? No, it was nice not to have her drama around for 2 yrs. Yet, I was able to put myself in her shoes. My feelings were 3rd! That's a Mom! The substitute cow put her jealous insecurities 1st! Does she think Ahmi is the awesome child she is due to magic fairy dust?  No, regardless of the bullshit vomit that came from your mouth in court, it was because of the love and nurturing I showered on her! You didn't know her at all! Even she knew how extremely stupid your comment was re: errands. That was the #1 all time most worthless comment ever said to a traumatized child! You need child development because you have no clue! They're not little adults! They don't think like us! p.s. I knew your address 2 years ago. If you know so much and are so right about me, I'd have been at your door a longgg time ago! For a college educated, so called professional, you're pretty stupid re: life! I'm sure I'm not the 1st person you pissed off! Luckily, I fought back with words....

Aug 29, 2012


***All comments between* are mine. Found this email yesterday while cleaning out mail folders. Note the date, this was 8 days after the witch wrecked my world, was exposed as the lying back stabber she is, I'd just been to court re: spousal support(I won). My ex called me that night. Whining he couldn't afford to pay me and maintain an apt. He asked me to move in that very night. Allegedly, we'd work together to get Ahmi back. As I discovered later, all BS! I will post his part of conversation in a few days.***
Sent: Thu 2/3/2011 5:50 PM
To: Bill Connearney
Subject: Update
Hi, Bill.  I hope that you are doing ok. 
I saw AC today and she is doing very well considering.  She is happy and smiling often.  The family says that she talks a lot about you, more than Lynn for whatever reason.  (Perhaps she is just avoiding that other loss right now.)  She did so with me today, as well.  Today she was informed the Court's decision for her to remain with this family and because she internalizes she did not have as large of a reaction as I would have expected.  I waited a week to tell her because I thought moving to a new home and getting this news all at once was too much.  The family is going to be encouraging her to talk and let out her feelings, as I suggested her to do. They have been very good about honoring you and Lynn's name in their home and helping to keep her memories alive.  She actually has taught them a game she used to play with you where she runs into your belly and you make a noise. They play it in the home with her.
  ***It never occured to you witch that was because she was hurting inside, mad at me? Also, one of your many BS statements was,"She's talking about you too much. It interfers with the bond they're trying to build with her." Which is it? Liar!?***
I spoke to AC about you having her things and that I'm going to get them for her so she can have her old things at her new home. She would like to see you so we should plan on meeting at a park or somewhere in a couple of weeks. We can keep in touch about a day and time that will work. 
As much as I think AC should see Lynn too I am concerned about Lynn handling it emotionally and how this may affect AC.  I have to weigh the two and make the decision that I think is going to make her as comfortable as possible in her new home because it is something that isn't going to change, it's the Court's order.  I am afraid that Lynn isn't in a place to support the placement and this could have negative consequences for AC.  When parents don't support a child's new home it can feel scary to the child to go back there, "If my Mommy doesn't like it then I can't either". I have shared this with Lynn. The family seems open to having a visit with you in the future too, but they are concerned with their private info being shared with Lynn by you. We would have to feel that you could keep certain information private no matter what.  Having said this though I feel deeply for Lynn even though she doesn't believe me. I can't imagine what she is going through. I feel very, very sad for her. I don't know how she will ever rebound.
I have a couple of questions. Do you know of some dinners/food that AC likes?  She apparently says she likes things and then the family will cook it and she doesn't like it.  Maybe just a matter of different styles of preparing the dish. They want to make her meals she enjoys. 
Also, she says she can't get her eyes wet because it makes them tear. They are hoping this is just the common 4yo doesn't like water in her face stuff and doesn't have anything to do with her eye procedures. They wondered if you knew about this. 
Thanks for your time, Genny Wrocklage, MSW Protective Services Worker

***Witch you didn't even give me a freaking chance! Talking behind my back with a scum bag piece of crap liar, who KNOWS SQUAT!!! I was her primary caregiver, spent 24/7 with her. Bill didn't even freaking want her the first 2 years! You stupid piece of human trash!!

Aug 2, 2012


Genny Wrocklage refused to allow us any chance for closure. No goodbye, no closure. 500+ days. I'm starting to realize the pain is mine to carry until the day we meet again.
Wow 5 1/2 years old! Not so little anymore! Kindergarten will be starting soon. Are you excited? I remember when you were 2. You wanted to go to big kid school. Like "your kids" Sam and A.J. What do you know? The time is almost here. I'm sure you've grown and learned so much over the past year and a half! I often wonder; Do you still like elephants, tea parties, the beach, flip flops, chocolate? Is Jasmine still your favorite princess? Do you still silk? I miss your silks! I bet your hair is so long! Like I always said, I'm sure you skipped breakfast the day they were handing out the good hair gene. I'm sure you were first in line! Lol! Do you still play little tricks to hear others laughter? I miss your sweet impish grin every day! I pray everyday that your heart is light and the sound of your sweet laughter is heard often. The sound of your laughter and giggles makes the world a much better place! I hope that wonderful sound often brightens the world around you! You deserve so much laughter and joy! I hope and pray you are happy and well! Although we weren't able to say goodbye, I've never stopped loving or thinking about you! I'm so very sorry that I just disappeared from your life without saying goodbye. I need you to know, understand, and to believe that it wasn't your fault! You could never do or say anything that would cause me to go away or to ever stop loving you! Ever since you were a little baby I've said,"I'll Love You Forever and Always Plus One More Day!" That has always been true. Forever and always it will be true! You're the kindest, sweetest, smartest, bestest little girl ever! Just as we always told you, you're beautiful on the inside as well as the outside! That makes you very special! Lots of people have outer beauty. However, many of them don't have the beautiful heart that you do! It was a joy and a privilege to be a part of your life! Someday when you're grown, I would love to sit and share so many awesome memories with you. I have your scrapbook, baby journals, and your dvd. I will keep them safe until the day I pass them on to you alone! Every night I look up at the moon. I pray you giggled and laughed that day. I always say, "I love you sweetest Ahmi girl. Forever and Always plus One More Day!" Until the day we are reunited, I hold you close within my heart! Sending you tons of hugs and kisses, and oceans full of love! Mom p.s. Chris and Terry are having a baby girl in Sept. Right after school starts. Her name will be Adriana Rose. I'm making a pink and white blanket for her. Also making a small scrapbook. Well, I'm decorating the pages. They'll add the pics. I LOVE YOU!