May 24, 2012


Dear Genny Wrocklage aka Wrecklage or Social Wrecker, How has the past 16 months been for you? I'm sure you haven't lost any sleep or been so depressed all you could do was cry for days at a time. You wouldn't know anything about that. After all, you're in the business of wrecking lives and moving on right? I'm sure you must have no conscience. Otherwise how could you face yourself in the mirror day after day. Knowing what you've done. That you're in bed with an evil agency that rips children away from parents who love them and deposits them with strangers and the hell with any emotional damage along the way. After all, you've done your job right? The federal government pays the bounty and you're on to the next victim. Who gives a crap about the trauma done? You must be one cold hearted, evil bitch to work for such a demonic system! You made it much worse with the lies you spoke so readily. I never saw it coming. You had me so fooled right till the end. Right up till the day in court when you stuck that knife in my back! Good for you bitch! You did a great snow job on me. "I know she's your daughter. I've got your back. I know you two belong together." Lying, evil bitch! I fell for it hook, line, and sinker. What a fool I was! You showed me! Then you have the balls to come up to me seeking praise for the bull crap lies you'd just testified to in court?! Tell me, do you ever give Ahmi a second thought? Are you that sure about what you've done? Screw the emotional abuse and damage. One more check for the system! I want you to know, with medication and the help of a great therepist, I'm emerging from the black hell you condemned me to last year. However, I also want you to know, I hate your freaking guts as much as ever and I always will. Because I gave my trust to you and you ground it into the dirt. You stabbed me in the back so completely! That's why I will always hate the air you breathe. I know karma will catch you sooner or later. You will so deserve it! BTW I've known your address for more than a year. If all the vomit that came from your mouth about me was true, I would have used that knowledge in an evil way. I'm surprised someone with your education is so street stupid! I'm sure I'm not the first one you've pissed off. If I were you I'd be a little more cautious with my personal life and info. Someone who doesn't possess the restraint I have, may just come knocking one of these days. See you in Hell Bitch!

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