Jul 23, 2011


My question is this, Why do we allow these 20 something young girls fresh out of college make such life altering decisions? With their rose colored glasses and their big dreams of saving the world. They have no clue what it means to love a child. They have no life experience, they certainly have none of the wisdom that comes through growing and the passage of time. They make their decisions and their judgements based on what? What exactly do they have to base any judgements on? This young inexperienced person was allowed to alter this child's life in a way that will effect her for the rest of her life. Because she had the power to do so. How much sense does that make?

1 comment:

  1. Friend of CPS Victim7/31/11, 2:29 PM

    what torture they're putting your little girl through. There is no other word for it but torture. I can't get the image from your other post (of you holding your crying child who was asking where you had been) out of my mind.

    Not only are young caseworkers too inexperienced to understand the harm they're doing, but they tend to be rewarded for it by the people they look up to. Professors, supervisors, and the community at large praise them as child rescuers. They are told to think of themselves as experts, professionals, people with superior understanding. All of this at time when their brains aren't even fully developed, especially the part that connects actions to consequences.

    To be perfectly fair, though, I've seen it happen the other way. I've seen older, wealthier, better educated women (teachers working in cahoots with social workers) team up to take babies away from a mother who was younger and poorer. So age and experience aren't necessarily enough to prevent abuse of power. We need some sort of legal accountability to rein these caseworkers in.


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