Jul 6, 2012


Of course time marches on. Two 4th of July celebrations have now come and gone. My sweetest Ahmi girl I hope that you had an awesome day! That you giggled and laughed. Your happiness and joy lights up the world around you! I can only imagine how much you've grown! How much you've learned! I so enjoyed observing and encouraging your thirst for knowledge. It was such a privilage and honor to be part of your life. You were an awesome baby! I'm sure you're growing into an awesome little girl! I pray everyday your heart is light and care free. Someday when we meet again, I will share all our special moments and times with you. I wait and pray for the day we can sit together and talk. I'm sorry about any pain and/or anger you may feel inside as you grow. I can only hope one day for a chance to respond to any lies you may have been told. Also, to answer all the questions you'll have regarding your 1st years. Your first tooth, solid foods, sitting up, etc... It's all in your baby journals and scrapbook. I also saved a diary re: your birth Mom. I will keep it all for you. They took you away, please understand I couldn't let the journals go as well. I understand there will be holes regarding your baby and toddler years until some time passes. I apologize for that however, they stole you so quickly, allowed us no good bye. I couldn't bear the thought of anyone sharing what belongs exclusively to you and I. I do promise to keep them safe until the day I place them in your hands. I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer sweetest girl! As always, I pray you giggled and laughed today. I Love You Forever and Always, Plus One More Day! Kisses and Hugs, Mom